Ship Generation 0.01
This generator creates a random a random ship for each preset type, starting with a hull and adding
components and assigning crew. The total cost, maintenance cost, range (before refueling) etc. wi;;
be added.
All displacements and masses are in tonnes.
Ship Type Battleship BB
Displacement: 57359
Flag Bridge: 1147 tons
Bridge: 1152 tons
Computer: 573 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 11581 tons
Fuel: 3450 tons (active Use: 573, passive use: 2)
Crew & Life Support: 14154 tons
Staterooms: 8492 tons (2123 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 4246 tons
Sickbay: 1415 tons
Engineering: 8717 tons
FTL Drive: 5735 tons
Man. Drive: 688 tons
Power Plant: 2294 tons
Weapon Systems: 17158 tons
Ship Type Battlecruiser BC
Displacement: 43133
Flag Bridge: 862 tons
Bridge: 867 tons
Computer: 431 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 8709 tons
Fuel: 2592 tons (active Use: 431, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 10644 tons
Staterooms: 6386 tons (1596 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 3193 tons
Sickbay: 1064 tons
Engineering: 6555 tons
FTL Drive: 4313 tons
Man. Drive: 517 tons
Power Plant: 1725 tons
Weapon Systems: 12904 tons
Ship Type Heavy Cruiser CC
Displacement: 39694
Flag Bridge: 793 tons
Bridge: 798 tons
Computer: 396 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 8016 tons
Fuel: 2382 tons (active Use: 396, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 9797 tons
Staterooms: 5878 tons (1469 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 2939 tons
Sickbay: 979 tons
Engineering: 6032 tons
FTL Drive: 3969 tons
Man. Drive: 476 tons
Power Plant: 1587 tons
Weapon Systems: 11876 tons
Ship Type Cruiser CA
Displacement: 27926
Bridge: 563 tons
Computer: 279 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 5788 tons
Fuel: 1680 tons (active Use: 279, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 7074 tons
Staterooms: 4244 tons (1061 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 2122 tons
Sickbay: 707 tons
Engineering: 4244 tons
FTL Drive: 2792 tons
Man. Drive: 335 tons
Power Plant: 1117 tons
Weapon Systems: 8577 tons
Ship Type Destroyer DD
Displacement: 11419
Bridge: 233 tons
Computer: 114 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 2367 tons
Fuel: 684 tons (active Use: 114, passive use: 0)
Crew & Life Support: 2893 tons
Staterooms: 1735 tons (433 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 867 tons
Sickbay: 289 tons
Engineering: 1734 tons
FTL Drive: 1141 tons
Man. Drive: 137 tons
Power Plant: 456 tons
Weapon Systems: 3508 tons