Ship Generation 0.01

This generator creates a random a random ship for each preset type, starting with a hull and adding
components and assigning crew. The total cost, maintenance cost, range (before refueling) etc. wi;;
be added.

All displacements and masses are in tonnes.

Ship Type Battleship BB

Displacement: 72439
Flag Bridge: 1448 tons
Bridge: 1453 tons
Computer: 724 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 12475 tons
Fuel: 4356 tons   (active Use: 724, passive use: 2)
Crew & Life Support: 15247 tons
Staterooms: 9148 tons (2287 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 4574 tons
Sickbay: 1524 tons
Engineering: 11009 tons
FTL Drive: 7243 tons
Man. Drive: 869 tons
Power Plant: 2897 tons
Weapon Systems: 26451 tons
Spinal Weapon: 7968 tons

Ship Type Battlecruiser BC

Displacement: 42927
Flag Bridge: 858 tons
Bridge: 863 tons
Computer: 429 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 8667 tons
Fuel: 2580 tons   (active Use: 429, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 10593 tons
Staterooms: 6355 tons (1588 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 3177 tons
Sickbay: 1059 tons
Engineering: 6524 tons
FTL Drive: 4292 tons
Man. Drive: 515 tons
Power Plant: 1717 tons
Weapon Systems: 12842 tons

Ship Type Heavy Cruiser CC

Displacement: 35835
Flag Bridge: 716 tons
Bridge: 721 tons
Computer: 358 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 7235 tons
Fuel: 2154 tons   (active Use: 358, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 8843 tons
Staterooms: 5305 tons (1326 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 2652 tons
Sickbay: 884 tons
Engineering: 5446 tons
FTL Drive: 3583 tons
Man. Drive: 430 tons
Power Plant: 1433 tons
Weapon Systems: 10720 tons

Ship Type Cruiser CA

Displacement: 25685
Bridge: 518 tons
Computer: 256 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 5324 tons
Fuel: 1542 tons   (active Use: 256, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 6508 tons
Staterooms: 3904 tons (976 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 1952 tons
Sickbay: 650 tons
Engineering: 3903 tons
FTL Drive: 2568 tons
Man. Drive: 308 tons
Power Plant: 1027 tons
Weapon Systems: 7890 tons

Ship Type Destroyer DD

Displacement: 10258
Bridge: 210 tons
Computer: 102 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 2127 tons
Fuel: 612 tons   (active Use: 102, passive use: 0)
Crew & Life Support: 2599 tons
Staterooms: 1559 tons (389 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 779 tons
Sickbay: 259 tons
Engineering: 1558 tons
FTL Drive: 1025 tons
Man. Drive: 123 tons
Power Plant: 410 tons
Weapon Systems: 3152 tons