Ship Generation 0.01

This generator creates a random a random ship for each preset type, starting with a hull and adding
components and assigning crew. The total cost, maintenance cost, range (before refueling) etc. wi;;
be added.

All displacements and masses are in tonnes.

Ship Type Battleship BB

Displacement: 65546
Flag Bridge: 1310 tons
Bridge: 1315 tons
Computer: 655 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 11288 tons
Fuel: 3942 tons   (active Use: 655, passive use: 2)
Crew & Life Support: 13796 tons
Staterooms: 8277 tons (2069 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 4138 tons
Sickbay: 1379 tons
Engineering: 9961 tons
FTL Drive: 6554 tons
Man. Drive: 786 tons
Power Plant: 2621 tons
Weapon Systems: 23934 tons
Spinal Weapon: 7210 tons

Ship Type Battlecruiser BC

Displacement: 40723
Flag Bridge: 814 tons
Bridge: 819 tons
Computer: 407 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 8222 tons
Fuel: 2448 tons   (active Use: 407, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 10049 tons
Staterooms: 6029 tons (1507 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 3014 tons
Sickbay: 1004 tons
Engineering: 6188 tons
FTL Drive: 4072 tons
Man. Drive: 488 tons
Power Plant: 1628 tons
Weapon Systems: 12183 tons

Ship Type Heavy Cruiser CC

Displacement: 32970
Bridge: 664 tons
Computer: 329 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 6835 tons
Fuel: 1980 tons   (active Use: 329, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 8354 tons
Staterooms: 5012 tons (1253 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 2506 tons
Sickbay: 835 tons
Engineering: 5010 tons
FTL Drive: 3297 tons
Man. Drive: 395 tons
Power Plant: 1318 tons
Weapon Systems: 10127 tons

Ship Type Cruiser CA

Displacement: 29900
Bridge: 603 tons
Computer: 299 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 6197 tons
Fuel: 1800 tons   (active Use: 299, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 7574 tons
Staterooms: 4544 tons (1136 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 2272 tons
Sickbay: 757 tons
Engineering: 4544 tons
FTL Drive: 2990 tons
Man. Drive: 358 tons
Power Plant: 1196 tons
Weapon Systems: 9182 tons

Ship Type Destroyer DD

Displacement: 16414
Bridge: 333 tons
Computer: 164 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 3403 tons
Fuel: 984 tons   (active Use: 164, passive use: 0)
Crew & Life Support: 4159 tons
Staterooms: 2495 tons (623 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 1247 tons
Sickbay: 415 tons
Engineering: 2493 tons
FTL Drive: 1641 tons
Man. Drive: 196 tons
Power Plant: 656 tons
Weapon Systems: 5042 tons