Ship Generation 0.01

This generator creates a random a random ship for each preset type, starting with a hull and adding
components and assigning crew. The total cost, maintenance cost, range (before refueling) etc. wi;;
be added.

All displacements and masses are in tonnes.

Ship Type Battleship BB

Displacement: 54566
Flag Bridge: 1091 tons
Bridge: 1096 tons
Computer: 545 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 11017 tons
Fuel: 3282 tons   (active Use: 545, passive use: 2)
Crew & Life Support: 13465 tons
Staterooms: 8079 tons (2019 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 4039 tons
Sickbay: 1346 tons
Engineering: 8292 tons
FTL Drive: 5456 tons
Man. Drive: 654 tons
Power Plant: 2182 tons
Weapon Systems: 16323 tons

Ship Type Battlecruiser BC

Displacement: 46092
Flag Bridge: 921 tons
Bridge: 926 tons
Computer: 460 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 9307 tons
Fuel: 2766 tons   (active Use: 460, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 11376 tons
Staterooms: 6825 tons (1706 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 3412 tons
Sickbay: 1137 tons
Engineering: 7005 tons
FTL Drive: 4609 tons
Man. Drive: 553 tons
Power Plant: 1843 tons
Weapon Systems: 13791 tons

Ship Type Heavy Cruiser CC

Displacement: 35599
Flag Bridge: 711 tons
Bridge: 716 tons
Computer: 355 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 7189 tons
Fuel: 2136 tons   (active Use: 355, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 8786 tons
Staterooms: 5271 tons (1317 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 2635 tons
Sickbay: 878 tons
Engineering: 5409 tons
FTL Drive: 3559 tons
Man. Drive: 427 tons
Power Plant: 1423 tons
Weapon Systems: 10652 tons

Ship Type Cruiser CA

Displacement: 27714
Bridge: 559 tons
Computer: 277 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 5744 tons
Fuel: 1668 tons   (active Use: 277, passive use: 1)
Crew & Life Support: 7021 tons
Staterooms: 4212 tons (1053 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 2106 tons
Sickbay: 702 tons
Engineering: 4211 tons
FTL Drive: 2771 tons
Man. Drive: 332 tons
Power Plant: 1108 tons
Weapon Systems: 8511 tons

Ship Type Destroyer DD

Displacement: 10823
Bridge: 221 tons
Computer: 108 tons
Cargo & Tenders: 2243 tons
Fuel: 648 tons   (active Use: 108, passive use: 0)
Crew & Life Support: 2742 tons
Staterooms: 1645 tons (411 ceww and officer staterooms)
Lounge: 822 tons
Sickbay: 274 tons
Engineering: 1643 tons
FTL Drive: 1082 tons
Man. Drive: 129 tons
Power Plant: 432 tons
Weapon Systems: 3326 tons