Populated Planet Generation 0.01
This generator creates a random popuation, then simulates enrollment and processing of applicatants through
the Naval Academy to determine the amount of crew and officers available each year. Crew and officers are
required to operate naval vessels, with a yearly maintenence amount to cover deaths, transfers, and retirement
among a crew. When understaffed, various maluses will be applied to performance of the ship, so having a
large supply of trained crew and officers will be important for empires with larger fleets (or larger ships).
Total Population: 5,275,896,080
Naval Academy: 1,055,179
Naval Academy Graduates: 633,107
Crew: 607,783
Officer School:
Enrolled: 25,324
command: 430
pilot: 1848
astrogator: 1342
avionics: 1342
gunnery: 5394
medical: 886
engineer: 1443
electronics: 2481
marine: 1772
steward: 3352
discharged: 5034 (transferred, discharged, or deceased)
Total Population: 416,618,953
Naval Academy: 83,323
Naval Academy Graduates: 49,994
Crew: 47,994
Officer School:
Enrolled: 1,999
command: 33
pilot: 145
astrogator: 105
avionics: 105
gunnery: 425
medical: 69
engineer: 113
electronics: 195
marine: 139
steward: 264
discharged: 406 (transferred, discharged, or deceased)
Population: 41984235
no naval academy
Population: 54539
no naval academy